A good idea is not enough to make a business successful. You need structure and processes to ensure that money and things run smoothly.
1. Long-term goals list
If you have been following me for any length of time, you will undoubtedly have heard me speak about the importance and value of goals. You will be able to prioritize your time more effectively if you set goals that go beyond the week or today. They will inspire you and your team. They will help you and your staff stay focused on the important things.
2. To-Do List Daily
Knowing where you want to go long-term is just as important as knowing what’s important right now. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances need to be addressed. You must decide every day how you will use your time most effectively.
I have a to-do and never complete the list. Priorities are always set and I then work on them. Last week, my list went missing and I felt lost. It was found a few days later, thank goodness. I had some important items in my mind, but forgot one.
3. Prospect list
This is the most common mistake business owners make. You are wasting money if you don’t have a list full of potential customers. Retail establishments are often the first to make a purchase. If you don’t have their contact information, they may not be able to reach you again.
If you can reach out to them and remind them of your existence, you will increase your chances of doing business. If you haven’t started collecting physical addresses or email addresses from your website visitors or store, do so now. To get their information, you’ll need to offer them something in return. However, your goal must be to capture that valuable information.
4. Customer list
A list of customers is just as important as a prospect listing. These are people who have shown interest in your product by purchasing it. Selling to strangers or prospects takes more effort than selling to someone who has purchased from you before. These people deserve to be treated well. However, don’t forget to offer them the next solution that you have.
5. Process list
A set of processes is essential for every business to run smoothly. They are probably already documented. They must be documented.
Make a list of all the topics that you are familiar with. This could include answering the phones, identifying prospects and converting them to clients, invoicing clients, processing payment, asking for referrals, publishing our newsletter or making minor changes to your site. Next, write down the steps involved in each step.
This will help you define roles and responsibilities, assign tasks, and train new employees.
6. Resource list
This list contains the systems and tools you use to manage your business and make life easier. This list is slightly different from the Process List, which may refer to certain resources, such as your accounting system, website host, tools for your blog, new tools that you plan on investing in, an employment agency, temp service, or online portals for whom you have memberships.
A list of contacts and details in a binder will save you hours searching for the right information.
7. Diversions list
You must find time to enjoy your life after all the hard work. While it can be difficult for business owners to find the time to play and relax, this list is important.
You should add things that you love doing and that give you peace of mind. You could consider listening to music, playing music or painting with your children, spouse, and friends.
You need to know what kind of ‘play you want. Is it board games, exercise, meditation, video games, outdoor sports, movies, ballet, opera, cards, TV, dancing, vacations, weekend getaways?
Schedule whatever ‘floats your boat’. This may sound strange, but if you don’t have these activities on your calendar, or on a list that you review frequently, they will be overshadowed by daily tasks and emergencies.
These lists can help you increase productivity, boost your business and keep your sanity.
Loretta Love Huff is the Dream Leader for Business. She is an executive coach and business owner who has won numerous awards. She assists entrepreneurs in turning their ideas and dreams into successful, fulfilling businesses.