Keep the video page light
Search engine algorithms direct people to faster loading sites first. This could make the difference between being ranked higher or lower in search engine rankings. It is therefore important to improve the page load speed.
Also, consider the size of the video player on the page as well as the resolution. Is it in HD? You should also consider file types such as FLV, MPEG4, SWF and SWF. Some files will load faster than others. Think about which device will be monitored.
Also, pay attention to the image compressions. JPEGs are at least 10-20% lighter than a PNG. If necessary, scale the image.
The title is important
The time limit for convincing someone to click the link to the video in search results is three seconds. Keep the title short, clear and concise. You should choose keywords that are relevant to your topic. Also consider how promising they sound in comparison to other videos. You can find some great keywords using Google AdWords Keyword Tool.
Surround Your Video
Search engines don’t just look at the content of a video when they search for it. They also look at other content on the page in order to verify its relevance. The search engine will look at all the content, including the words and images, to determine the focus and target of the content.
Connect It Up
Include a link to other videos in the video. YouTube makes it easy to do this with Annotations. Other services also allow you to add related links at end of video.
Meta Tags Are Still Relevant
Meta tags are still the index for search queries, even with the latest search engine algorithms. You can improve your search engine rankings by using specific keywords that are well-focused. Meta tags should contain the same information as the page title and the video title.
Use the URL
To form their hypothesis, search engines also use URLs of video content. Instead of using a generic URL for your search engine, use specific words that are related to the video content. To ensure that search engines are focused on the particular video, you should only display one video per page.
YouTube: Should you Use It?
YouTube is not only a video hosting site, but it’s also where most people search for videos (after Google). A YouTube presence is essential if your video wants to be noticed. This helps you build brand awareness and makes it easier to share your video on social media.
If your video is about product demos or engagement, it might be necessary to embed it on your website. After you have uploaded your video, use the embed code to embed it on YouTube. This will allow you to still reap the benefits of the Google/YouTube search engine results for your website.
Search engines display video links at the top of search results pages. Proper use of keywords and tags will increase your chances of having your video and company name displayed at the top of search results.